The Gay Agenda is back to raise morale during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Have a dream you want me to interpret, with my very specific spin? Send it to, with the words "The Gay Agenda" in the subject field.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

All The King's Horses

Julia A, of Brooklyn, NY writes:

I never remember my dreams but last night : when I woke up there was a full scale party already going on in my apt. I tried to quickly make my way to the shower in my pajamas with my hair standing on end .When I muscled my way into the bathroom ( my dream tub is clawfoot BTW and my dream bathroom is completely renovated and light and airy. ) there were several people congregating there. And I had to ask them to leave. Someone who looked distinctly like A cross between John Lithgow playing Winston Churchill and Humpty Dumpty was huddled pensively in my tub and I had to offer my hand to help him climb out , which he did very very cautiously trying not to fall ...

Go home, guys! The heterosexual soiree's over! Julia's ready for a spiritual - and sexual - cleanse, and that's not just regular, old bathwater. Calgon cannot always take you away. In Julia's dream, the most fragile part of herself is bathing in TRUTH, and emerging as if a brand, new baby, breaking free of the amniotic sack. 

Winston Churchill vaguely appears in this dream because, in life, Churchill said, "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." He was right. Ultimately, there is no escaping the truth, and Julia's truth is that she's gay. 

Coming out is a private, fragile business, but Julia is right there, being her own best friend and protector, and making sure the way out into the gay light of day doesn't cause any cracks or fractures. 

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